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Product Info - Masks

Best CPAP Mask Buyers Guide: Our Top Picks for 2025

If you've been prescribed treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), you'll need a well-fitting, comfortable CPAP mask. There are several types available depending on the severity of your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), your face shape, sleeping position, and other factors. But with all the different choices, it's easy to get overwhelmed. How do you know which one will work best for you? Don't fret - our research team has rounded up the best CPAP masks of 2025 for every type of sleeper!

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Traveling with CPAP and Sleep Apnea

Image of person packing to travel with a CPAP Machine

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, offering new sights, sounds, and adventures. But for individuals with sleep apnea, sometimes the thought of leaving the comfort and the familiar environment of their sleep setup can be a hassle. With careful planning and practical travel tips, you can manage sleep apnea effectively while on the go and enjoy your travels to the fullest!

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The Ideal Replacement Schedule for Your CPAP Supplies (And Why it Matters for Your Sleep Therapy)

Image of various CPAP supplies and CPAP equipment

Sleep therapy is a life-changing treatment for those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, and even mild sleep apnea. To maintain the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy and ensure optimal safety of your treatment, it’s crucial to follow a regular replacement schedule for individual CPAP supplies. Here’s a detailed guide to help you stay on track with the best resupply setup. Check out these useful tips for the best and most restful sleep.

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The Importance of Properly Fitting Your CPAP Mask

During that critical time in CPAP therapy when you are becoming accustomed to your air pressure, one of the most important things to get right is the fit of your new mask. It could make the difference between continuing sleep apnea treatment and giving up. The fact is, there are several types of masks for several different types of breathers and everyone takes to treatment differently. Our CPAP Mask Fitting Guide can help, as well as the practical tips and tricks below.

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Best CPAP Masks for Side Sleepers

If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, you’ll find there’s a lot of mask styles to choose from. CPAP therapy is a full-time commitment, and getting a well-fitting mask will make all the difference when it comes to consistent, effective treatment. Luckily, we carry all types of cpap masks that are designed with comfort and functionality in mind. Sleeping position is one of the first things to consider. Let's take a look at how it affects the type of mask that will work best for you.

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How Many Different Kinds of CPAP Masks Are There?

There are three main types of CPAP masks - full face masks, nasal masks, and nasal pillow masks. Each of the three mask options has the same basic components: mask frame, headgear, and cushion. Since the CPAP mask is the interface between you and your CPAP machine, it needs to provide a comfortable fit. Otherwise you’ll be less likely to keep it on all night and your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment will be less effective. Don’t worry, the best CPAP mask for you is out there, read on to find out how to find it.

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CPAP Machine Pressure Too High? What To Do & Best Masks For You

Some patients with high-pressure settings will quit CPAP therapy due to discomfort or the belief that their device isn’t working properly. The air might leak from their CPAP mask or irritate their skin with hurricane-like force. But quitting therapy isn’t the answer to protect your health. Instead, there are a few ways to reduce high CPAP pressure side effects.

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The Best CPAP Masks For Mouth Breathers & How to Stop Mouth Breathing

The content in this blog was medically reviewed by Michelle Worley, R.N., a seasoned medical advisor who has worked as a clinician for over 20 years in the sleep-related medical field.

Mouth breather; a condition so bad it’s become an insult. Maybe that’s because mouth breathing can cause bad breath, brain fog, and chronic fatigue? Yet if you also suffer from sleep apnea, mouth breathing can be dangerous, leading to a loss of air pressure and reducing the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy. 

Luckily, for CPAP users the solution can be as simple as finding the right CPAP mask!

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ResMed AirFit F30 Mask Assembly Instructions

Now that you have your ResMed AirFit F30 Full Face Mask you probably can’t wait to try it on! You may have to face a little mask assembly first.  Don’t worry, with the simple design of this mask, you’ll have it on in a snap.

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How To Make A Quieter CPAP Mask And Machine

Picture this. You’re all ready for bed in fresh pajamas and clean sheets fresh from the dryer. Your bedroom is the perfect temperature, not too cold or too hot with the perfect amount of darkness for sleep. But once you lay down to relax and close your eyes, all you can hear is one annoying sound that keeps you awake! What is the noise is from your CPAP? What do you do if the noises made while inhaling, exhaling, or the whirring of air is too loud? Well, you can take the steps to create a quiet CPAP mask and device. 

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