Complimentary RX Service

At, we're here to help you every step of the way in your CPAP journey. If you purchase a product that requires a prescription, you can use this Complimentary Prescription Service to make getting your prescription easy and quick! We'll do the work of getting your RX on your behalf with just a few simple steps.
To use our Complimentary Prescription Service:
- If a prescription is needed for your purchase, we'll prompt you for your name, date of birth, and doctor's information at checkout. You can also email your doctor's information to Please use the following subject line: "Doctor's Information: Complimentary RX Service"
- We reach out to your doctor with our personalized prescription request form. PDF: CPAP RX Request Form
- Once we receive the filled-out and signed prescription form from your doctor, we finalize and ship out your order!
If you already have your prescription, you can upload it after you complete your purchase.