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Product Review/Comparison

Traveling with CPAP and Sleep Apnea

Image of person packing to travel with a CPAP Machine

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, offering new sights, sounds, and adventures. But for individuals with sleep apnea, sometimes the thought of leaving the comfort and the familiar environment of their sleep setup can be a hassle. With careful planning and practical travel tips, you can manage sleep apnea effectively while on the go and enjoy your travels to the fullest!

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The Ideal Replacement Schedule for Your CPAP Supplies (And Why it Matters for Your Sleep Therapy)

Image of various CPAP supplies and CPAP equipment

Sleep therapy is a life-changing treatment for those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, and even mild sleep apnea. To maintain the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy and ensure optimal safety of your treatment, it’s crucial to follow a regular replacement schedule for individual CPAP supplies. Here’s a detailed guide to help you stay on track with the best resupply setup. Check out these useful tips for the best and most restful sleep.

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Determining Your Treatment: The Benefits & Drawbacks of Different PAP Machines

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea are common sleep disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. Thankfully, there are numerous treatments available to help you experience a restful sleep. Many of these solutions come in the form of different types of PAP devices and PAP machines as options for overarching PAP therapy. Each of these sleep apnea treatment devices are able to address the various needs that arise from sleep apnea — it’s just about finding the right solution for you!

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The Importance of Properly Fitting Your CPAP Mask

During that critical time in CPAP therapy when you are becoming accustomed to your air pressure, one of the most important things to get right is the fit of your new mask. It could make the difference between continuing sleep apnea treatment and giving up. The fact is, there are several types of masks for several different types of breathers and everyone takes to treatment differently. Our CPAP Mask Fitting Guide can help, as well as the practical tips and tricks below.

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Camping With CPAP: Challenges and Solutions

Enjoying the great outdoors with the family is truly magical. With all the memories to make and views to see, don’t let your CPAP machine keep you inside. There are plenty of solutions that make it possible to manage your sleep apnea anywhere. With some planning, you can get the perfect night’s sleep no matter where you travel!

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The Best CPAP Cleaner | CPAP Cleaning Machine Reviews

If you’ve owned a CPAP machine longer than a day, you’ve probably wished for a quicker and easier way to clean your supplies and accessories. CPAP cleaning machines promise to do that for you with the simple push of a button, but do these sanitizing machines really work? Will they replace regularly cleaning by hand? And which is better, ozone or UV light? 

Today, we’ll answer some of your biggest questions about CPAP cleaners, and who really needs one. Then if you decide a CPAP cleaner is right for you, read on to explore the best CPAP cleaners available in 2022!

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BiPAP vs CPAP: Which One is Best?

One of the most common questions our patients ask is “what is the difference between CPAP and BiPAP?” Both machines use positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy to keep your airways open while you sleep. Both can can be used with a full face mask, nasal mask, and nasal pillows.  Yet for some, the difference between the two is the key to better sleep. 

If CPAP therapy just isn't working for you, a BiPAP could be the solution you need. Keep reading to find out if BiPAP therapy is right for you.

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Best CPAP Masks for Side Sleepers 2023

If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, you’ll find there’s a lot of mask styles to choose from. CPAP therapy is a full-time commitment, and getting a well-fitting mask will make all the difference when it comes to consistent, effective treatment. Luckily, we carry all types of cpap masks that are designed with comfort and functionality in mind. Sleeping position is one of the first things to consider. Let's take a look at how it affects the type of mask that will work best for you.

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How Many Different Kinds of CPAP Masks Are There?

There are three main types of CPAP masks - full face masks, nasal masks, and nasal pillow masks. Each of the three mask options has the same basic components: mask frame, headgear, and cushion. Since the CPAP mask is the interface between you and your CPAP machine, it needs to provide a comfortable fit. Otherwise you’ll be less likely to keep it on all night and your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment will be less effective. Don’t worry, the best CPAP mask for you is out there, read on to find out how to find it.

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What Kind of CPAP Machine Is Right For Me?

When you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the next step in your treatment will be to get set up with a PAP device (the gold standard for sleep apnea treatment). There are different types of PAP machines, each with slightly different functionalities. Let’s dive into the types of machines available and how they treat sleep apnea.

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