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How To Find The Perfect BiPAP Mask

If you’ve been using a BiPAP to treat sleep apnea, you might be wondering why can’t find a mask made specifically for your BiPAP machine. Well, the answer is simple, all CPAP masks are technically BiPAP masks because they are designed to work with any CPAP or BiPAP machine. However, the two machines do have a few important differences.

What is BiPAP Mask?

When it comes to BiPAP vs CPAP the difference mainly involves the BiPAP settings. While CPAPs deliver a constant stream of pressurized air to hold your airways open, it generally remains consistent.

However, some CPAP machines do have a ramp setting that gradually increases the pressure as you fall asleep to make it more tolerable as it adjusts to your prescribed settings. Once it reaches that setting, it remains there for the rest of the night.

Unfortunately, some patients find it difficult to exhale against a single CPAP pressure, especially when their CPAP is required to be used at a higher setting. That’s when a BiPAP machine can be beneficial by having two different settings:

  1. Inhalation (IPAP)
  2. Exhalation (EPAP)

They automatically adjust the air pressure while you inhale and exhale to increase comfort and help you pull more air in and out of your lungs.

BiPAP machines are often prescribed to those who:

  • Have trouble with CPAP
  • Have low oxygen levels
  • For those with lung disorders or certain neuromuscular disorders
  • For those with cardio

5 Popular BiPAP Masks

With so many CPAP masks out there, you may wonder which is the best for your BiPAP machine, so check out a few of the most popular options that can be found here.

1. ResMed AirFit F30 - This full facemask takes patient comfort and functionality to the next level by having a lightweight, minimal design. It’s doesn’t impede your field of vision to make wearing glasses and watching TV easier. Plus, the quick release magnetic clips make this mask easy to put on and take off and the QuietAir elbow masks it basically silent. Plus, the one size fits all to provide an instant, perfect fit.

Man relaxes with BiPAP mask

2. The Fisher & Paykel Brevida is built for confidence and comfort. Relax without the use of an uncomfortable forehead strap. The design helps you easily sleep with a consistent seal that fits your individual shape. Easily take apart and reassemble this mask for the perfect sleep night after night! The adjustable headgear comes with velcro straps and the frame cushions are interchangeable!

3. The Fisher & Paykel Simplus full face mask has a wider bridge, providing more comfort around the nose and an innovative seal that’s perfect for beards. The frame adjusts to your facial features to provide ultimate relaxation. It’s easy to assemble and has an air diffuser for quiet use.

4. The Respironics DreamWear full face mask as an advanced, innovative design where the tubing connects at the top of the frame, keeping it out of your way! Plus, the space-saving minimal mask allows you to comfortably read and watch TV before bed. Easily drift to sleep with the soft and weightless feel instead of becoming tangled in the hose.

5. The ResMed AirFit P10 has a lightweight, comfortable frame to offer more freedom with minimal contact. The air is quietly diffused, so you and your partner can sleep peacefully and uninterrupted. The magnetic clips mask this mask easy to assemble and remove in a snap and provides a secure seal for optimal sleep apnea treatment.

Need Help Finding The Perfect BiPAP Mask?

Give us a call at 1-866-298-6482. We will be more than happy to match you with the perfect mask to suit your individual sleep apnea therapy needs. Don't settle for the same older mask option over and over, when new, modern masks offer advance comfort for better sleep
