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A photo of Aimee del Principe

Aimee del Principe

Aimee del Principe is an author and content creator based in Asheville, North Carolina. She has written articles on Aeroflow Sleep about PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) therapy, CPAP machines, and tips for dealing with sleep apnea.

What's the Difference Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Poor sleep quality (for you and your partner!) is the most obvious result of snoring or sleep apnea. You’ll need to know the differences, though, to get effective treatment. We’re here to break it down so you can make an informed decision about when to see your doctor.

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Sleep Changes as You Age: Better Sleep for Older Adults

Getting older, our sleep patterns change just as surely as our skin and hair. Understanding the difference between normal sleep changes and deeper sleep problems is important. Poor sleep is often assumed to be a normal part of aging, but that’s not the case!

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Why Am I Snoring All of a Sudden? Common Culprits

Why am I snoring all of a sudden? If you just started snoring or noticed it for the first time, you may be wondering why it began. Occasionally some people can catch it happening just as their own snoring wakes them up, but rare is the sleeper who knows they snore without an outside observer to verify it.

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How Long Does a CPAP Machine Last? CPAP Supplies Q&A

How long does a CPAP machine last, you ask? We’re here to determine when it’s time to make the investment in a new CPAP machine. We understand that patients with sleep disorders like sleep apnea want to stay healthy, but they also don’t want to overspend on CPAP supplies. We are here to help you get what you need when you need it!

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Can Sleep Apnea Be Treated With Lifestyle Changes?

Increasingly, there is more public awareness of how engaging in lifestyle changes can prevent or reverse health conditions across the medical spectrum, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These same lifestyle changes can have a nice economic benefit as well - lowered healthcare costs! So let’s dive in discuss the role of lifestyle changes in treating sleep apnea.

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Deviated Septum Self-Test You Can Easily Do At Home

Deviated septum self-tests can help you decide whether to see a doctor about noisy breathing and snoring. Up to 80% of people have a deviated septum (DS), but for most, it's barely noticeable and not worth fixing. For some though, a deviated septum can be associated with sleep apnea if it’s severe enough. But how do you know if you have a deviated septum, and what exactly is it?

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Home Remedies: Sleep Apnea Support to Try Today

Home remedies sleep apnea patients can benefit from are valuable treatment tools! These lifestyle changes can make you more comfortable and help you feel better while medically treating your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Stick with us to learn 5 lifestyle remedies for sleep apnea you can use right now!

To be clear and upfront, OSA cannot be cured with home remedies. However, those suffering from sleep apnea symptoms potentially have a lot to gain from supportive, natural therapies. They are easy to try out right away, and it feels empowering to take matters into your own hands as you combat your symptoms.

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Do Sleep Apnea Exercises Help? (Plus 7 You Can Try Right Now)

Sleep apnea exercises are a hot topic for those who want to try non-invasive (and free!) lifestyle adjustments to reduce the severity of their breathing and sleep disorders. If you are serious about treating your loud snoring or obstructive sleep apnea more holistically, exercises can definitely help!

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Sleep Apnea, Night Sweats, And When to See a Doctor

If you suffer from night sweats, you may have heard that they can be a warning sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). So how can you tell if you’re simply a victim of humidity or in need of medical attention?

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How Does CPAP Work (And Do You Need to Use One?)

How does CPAP work? Newly diagnosed sleep apnea patients (as well as folks who suspect their symptoms are due to apnea) ask this question regularly. We are here to help!

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