As a long time CPAP user, you’re probably aware of the need to regularly replace your CPAP supplies as they break down over time. Plus, CPAP masks, tubing, and more can crack and collect irritants such as mold and bacteria. So it’s crucial to adhere to your CPAP replacement schedule to properly treat sleep apnea. However, what do you do with all the old items? Can CPAP supplies be recycled?
With the fight against one use plastics and other materials, it’d be a shame to just throw these items away. While you can recycle or donate your old CPAP machine (which should be replaced every 5 years), recycling CPAP supplies is a little trickier.
NOTE: CPAP Supplies currently is not accepting used CPAP machines or supplies.
Can CPAP Supplies Be Recycled?

Yes. Recycle them by donating them to those in need. There are a variety of places that will accept used CPAP machines, such as the American Sleep Association, and the donation is even eligible for a tax letter for your records. Just be sure to include the value of your machine and cost of shipping for tax purposes. You must mail in your items, there is no drop off location.
When donating your CPAP equipment, be sure to pay attention to individual guides set in place by each organization. For example, the American Sleep Apnea Association will only accept factory sealed CPAP supplies. That means they will not accept your used mask or CPAP tubing.
Some organizations will not accept CPAP machines after they reach a certain age, for example, many will not accept devices older than 3 years old. Also, sometimes a photo is required before your used CPAP machine can be accepted.
Donating your CPAP machine helps those with sleep apnea but without insurance access the items they need to improve their health and quality of life. Donating your used CPAP could help save a life.
Can I sell My CPAP Machine?
Yes, You Can! There are a few different seconds hand CPAP stores, such as Second Wind that will purchase gently used CPAP machines to sell at discounted prices. The machines are cleaned, tested, and even given a warranty and qualified customer support for those who don’t qualify through insurance.
However, they only buy certain CPAP models so you will have to refer to their site to see f they will purchase yours. As with donating your CPAP, some second-hand stores will not accept CPAP machines that are old than 3 years old. Also, due to FDA regulation, they will not accept CPAP supplies such as masks and tubing, unless they are factory sealed.
So, How Can I Recycle Used CPAP Equipment?
Contact your local recycling center to see if they will accept your used equipment. They may have ‘hard to recycle’ days, where they accept things with silicone and other difficult to recycle items.

You can post these items on local groups for sale, but used CPAP supplies aren’t good for compliance. They crack and break down, causing air to leak. As a result, the new user may not receive the oxygen they need. Plus, it’s not exactly sanitary to share masks that you breathe into. Your skin cells, bacteria, and germs collect in these items over time. Buyers can never know for sure if the mask or tube their purchasing has been properly or fully sanitized.
You can also recycle CPAP tubing and other items by getting creative to find other uses for them. CPAP masks and tubes may help you build costumes and we’ve heard you can spin your CPAP tube in a circle to make it whistle. Although, please be careful not to break anything or injure others around you while whipping your tube.
Also, CPAP tubes may be good in the garden as irrigation systems, especially in large planters. Get creative and think of new innovative ways to use your materials.
Get New CPAP Supplies
While donating your CPAP is easy, getting new CPAP supplies is even easier. Simply shop online to discover your options, and we will assist in replacing your supplies on a regular basis.