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The Different Types of CPAP Masks
Full Face CPAP Mask
The mask frames for full face masks typically have a larger profile than other mask types; however, some minimal contact masks seal under the nostrils, instead of over the bridge of the nose. This allows a wider field of vision, that you’ll love if you like to read or watch TV before bed.
Best for:
- Sleeping position: back sleepers
- Breathing style: mouth breathers or nose breathers
- CPAP pressure setting: high pressure settings
- People with chronic allergies or nasal congestion

Nasal CPAP Mask
Nasal CPAP masks seal over the top or under the base of your nose and can accommodate a higher pressure setting than a nasal pillow mask. This makes them ideal for CPAP users who experience claustrophobia, or just don’t like the feeling of a bulky mask.
Best for:
- Sleeping position: side sleepers, active sleepers, back sleepers, stomach sleepers
- Breathing style: nose breathers
- CPAP pressure setting: low to mid
- CPAP users who experience claustrophobia
- Those who toss and turn in their sleep
- People with facial hair

Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask
Nasal pillow CPAP masks occupy very little of your face, cradling underneath your nose, with two small “pillow” cushions that rest just inside the nostril. The pillows inflate slightly to create a secure yet comfortable mask fit.
Best for:
- Sleeping position: active sleepers, side sleepers, back sleepers, stomach sleepers
- Breathing style: nose breathers
- CPAP pressure setting: low to mid
- People who prefer minimal contact from their masks
- CPAP users who experience claustrophobia
- People with facial hair